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High-Paying Jobs Without a College Degree: A Guide for Gen Z Job Seekers

The job market is tough for Gen Zs. The unemployment rate for this age group is at an all-time high, and even those who have jobs aren't making much money. But there are still plenty of high-paying jobs that don't require a college degree--and if you're willing to put in the work, these positions can be yours.
To land one of these lucrative gigs, you'll need to find out what kind of work interests you and then learn more about it (if necessary). You'll also want to jump on opportunities when they come along--and trust me: they will come along!

High-Paying Jobs Without a Degree

Software developer
A software developer is someone who builds the computer programs that make your favorite websites, apps and games work. If you're good at coding, this could be a great career option for you. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that software developers earn an average salary of $102,000 per year.
Physician assistant
A physician assistant works under the supervision of a doctor and performs many tasks normally done by doctors themselves--such as diagnosing patients and providing treatment plans--but they do not have their own license to practice medicine independently yet. Physician assistants earn an average salary of $98,000 per year according to Payscale's data on this profession.

Advantages of Pursuing Alternatives to Traditional Higher Education

  • Flexibility: You can attend classes online, at night or on weekends, which gives you the freedom to pursue other interests and work opportunities. Coursera and Udemy are two popular platforms offering a wide range of online courses.

  • Affordability: Many alternative education programs are less expensive than traditional college degrees because they don't require students to pay for room and board (or even textbooks), allowing you to save money while getting an education that meets your needs.

  • Professional experience: Many employers prefer candidates who have already worked in their field of interest rather than someone who has only studied it academically--and many alternative education programs offer internships that provide valuable on-the-job experience before graduation day!

Valuable Tips and Resources for Gen Z Job Seekers

If you're a Gen Z job seeker and don't have a college degree, there are still plenty of opportunities out there. Here are some tips and resources to help you find your dream job:

  • Trade schools can be an excellent option for those who want to learn skills that are in demand but don't require a four-year degree. For example, if you want to become an electrician or plumber, trade schools like Lincoln Tech and Universal Technical Institute offer certifications that can get you started on your career path right away.

  • Online courses can also be helpful if they teach skills related to your desired field--for example, if you want to become a web developer but don't have any coding experience yet (or even know what coding is), taking some online courses on Codecademy or FreeCodeCamp could help fill in those gaps before applying for entry-level positions at tech companies like Google or Facebook where they'll expect applicants with certain levels of expertise before hiring them full time!

  • Apprenticeships allow people without degrees access into high paying careers without having spent years studying at university level institutions. The [Department of Labor's Apprenticeship website]( is a great resource for finding apprenticeship opportunities in various industries.

    Real-Life Success Stories and Expert Opinions

    If you're looking for a job that pays well, but don't have a college degree, we've got you covered. We've compiled a list of 50 non-degree careers that pay over $50K per year. Check out our list below and learn more about each career through our expert opinion videos on websites like CareerOneStop!

    The average salary for an entry-level position in this field is around $40,000 per year and can grow as high as $150,000 annually depending on experience and skill set.

    Tips for Applying to High-Paying Jobs Without a College Degree

    You can apply to high-paying jobs without a college degree by doing your research and networking. The first step is to find out which companies are hiring in your area, then reach out to them directly. Next, make sure that the job you're applying for is actually hiring--and that it's not just a scam (a common occurrence).
    Finally, tailor your resume and cover letter so they're tailored specifically for each position you're applying for. Websites like LinkedIn and Indeed can help you find job opportunities and network with professionals in your desired field.

    Common Questions About High-Paying Jobs Without a College Degree

    The most common questions about high-paying jobs without a college degree are:

    • What are the best high-paying jobs without a college degree?

    • How do I apply for these jobs?

    • What qualifications do I need to get these jobs?

    • How can I increase my chances of getting hired?

    Advice from Successful Gen Z Professionals

    • Follow your interests.

    • Don't be afraid to take risks.

    • Learn from mistakes and failures, but don't let them stop you from moving forward with a new idea or venture that might be just as successful in the long run!

    • Take advantage of resources like scholarships, grants, internships, and more--but only if they align with what YOU want out of life right now (and not just because someone else thinks it's "the right thing" for you).


    There are many high-paying jobs available to Gen Zs without a college degree. Alternative education paths, gaining professional experience, and leveraging online resources and mentorship programs are all effective ways to build a career in the workforce.
    If you're interested in exploring an alternative education path, consider taking classes at a community college or technical school. This will help you gain valuable skills while saving money on tuition costs (and potentially even earning credits that can be transferred).
    If you're looking for ways to gain professional experience before entering the workforce full time, consider internships as well as part-time jobs that allow for flexible hours so that they don't interfere with school work or other responsibilities like family commitments. You could also look into working from home if this option is available through your employer--this way there won't be any transportation issues!
    Finally: don't forget about networking opportunities! There are many great resources out there designed specifically with young people like yourself in mind; take advantage of them whenever possible because they could lead directly into employment opportunities down the line.